Saturday, June 4, 2011

Here It Is!

So for a week or two I had been thinking about starting a vegan blog. So here it is! I'll post maybe once or twice a week about vegan related topics and issues.

So let me start out by giving you some background info on myself. My freshmen year of high school, I was introduced to PETA (which is despised by many). PETA led me to Peta2, a teen/young adult animal rights nonprofit organization. Peta2 led me to being a Street teamer. I raise awareness on animal rights issues and in return I get things that further promote animal rights. It's an amazing cycle of activism :) From there, I went vegetarian (about 2 years). Then on a random whim I took the vegan 30 day challenge...only it didn't last 30 days. The 30 days turned into a lifestyle that I can never turn my back on.

Since going vegan, I lost 50 pounds...ah-fuckin-mazing! I went from a miserable fat kid to a confident, bold bitch. The good kind though ;) I love to read animal rights/ethical eating related books. I am working on my collection. I love to read and write. I love nature. I am an atheist with respect for earth's beauty. I am also straight edge, meaning I have respect for my body ;) and you should too. I am a firm believer of "You have to give respect to get respect."

I am in love with my lifestyle so much that I am going to Ballstate University this fall to study dietetics to further promote vegan diets. I absolutely LOVE food and I take pride in the fact that I can stuff my face full and still lose weight and be healthy. So that's a little about me and hopefully I gather some followers.

"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man." Charles Darwin

<3 Kendra

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kendra, I'm a fellow Peta2 member as well :) I'm following you ! You sound really cool. Hope we can be blogger friends <3 My blogs at Can't wait to read your updates!
