Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Social Urks of Being Vegan

So being vegan is amazing, but we all know that at times it can be quite frustrating. Between the ignorant remarks and poor arguments against veganism, it'll make yout want to break out your pleather whips ;) bahaha. So here are a few things that I have personally dealt with (and I'm sure you have too :o)

1) You go out to eat and explain that you are vegan. You break it down. No animal products. No meat, dairy, egg, etc. You alter a meal by ordering it without animal products, like a pasta dish of some sort. You'll order it without cheese. They bring your food out....guess what's on it! Cha-Cha-Cha-CHEESE. Im politely like dub-tee-eff >:( what is this junk? And then you have to wait while they make your food AGAIN. Frustrates me.

2) "OH! LETS HAVE A _________(fill in with a food item you clearly can not eat) PARTY!" -___- lets not....want to know why? Because I can't fucking eat it. That is why.

3) Herp derp im going to make my vegan child some non-vegan food...ON PURPOSE! AND THEN TRY TO LIE ABOUT IT! WHAT! WHAT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Oh? You're allergic to peanuts? LET ME JUST MAKE YOU A HEARTY PB&J! Yeah bitch, isn't too nice is it?

4) "So why don't you drink milk? They don't kill the cow." -__- go read and then we'll pretend like you didn't just say that.

5) "I could never be vegan. I love chicken too much." Ummm...noo. See you are perfectly just aren't willing. Please acknowledge the difference.

6) "You can't get protein from plants." Omg. It's sad that people are convinced that only animal protein is legit. Once again, just go read. With any topic, just make sure you know what you're talking about before you go debating up a storm.

7) People are convinced that vegans only eat tofu, drink soy milk, and chomp down on lettuce. There are millions of vegan recipes to make delicious food. You dont have to eat one item. "Oh what will I have for dinner? Oooo I know...a bowl of celery!" It does not work that way. FRUSTRATING!

These are just a few of the frustrating things. Lol clearly, I get a bit flustered. But this is where all my fellow vegans come in. We have to help educate the world. Open their eyes. No, we can't cram our beliefs (or veggies) down their throats, but we must try our hardest to represent well. After all, there are only so many of us.

"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution.  Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." Thomas A. Edison
<3 Kendra


  1. So since I'm a vegetarian, I forrrreeeal feel you on this, like the "I'd do it, I just love meat too much" pisses me off, soooooooooo bad. Buut, I read your thing on dairy, and I've been trying to convert to veganism for a really long time, I just don't have the resources, as of yet. Where d'you get super good recipes thouuugh?
    P.S. <3yourblog.

  2. Congrats on being vegetarian, that's a great start. You dont need anything special to be vegan. COmmon produce is perfectly fine for the body. Specialty food can be rather expensive. I personally do not look at too many recipes. I think of what sounds good and I throw it together. But they are mostly based off common things like soups and sandwhiches, or ethnic food. And thank you! Im glad I have some readers out there :)
